How Many Minutes Of Jumping Jacks To Lose Weight

According to the weight-control information network, you should get 60 minutes of exercise most days -- at least four days a week -- to lose weight you can perform 60 minutes of jumping jacks at once, but this may be monotonous instead you can break it down, for instance into three 20-minute sessions. How many minutes of jumping jacks to lose weight. Doing moderate jumping jacks burns approximately 26 calories per minute if you weigh 100 pounds and 54 calories per minute if you weigh 200 pounds so doing a 10-minute set of moderate jumping jacks burns 26 to 50 calories without added weight and 268 to 548 calories after 10 minutes with an extra 3 pounds of weight.

how many minutes of jumping jacks to lose weight

How Much Weight Will I Lose Jumping on a Trampoline ...

How much weight will i lose jumping on a trampoline

How Much Weight Will I Lose Jumping on a Trampoline ...

At this vigorous pace, you'd perform 60 jumping jacks per minute and 300 jumping jacks in five minutes healthstatus notes a person who weighs 180 pounds and performs vigorous jumping jacks for five minutes will burn 54 calories using these calculators, this person would burn fewer than 200 calories while performing 1,000 jumping jacks. Https:// because


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